Blueprint Wellness

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120 of #120daysadhana: true

I feel true today. I feel willing and able and interested in doing what I must do equal to that which I desire to do.

I’ve never understood my own tendency to choose away from my own direction and to fight doing the things I know I must do. For long periods of time, it is an ongoing battle I’m fighting and winning and losing simultaneously every time. It feels exactly how it sounds, like two extremes at the same time and confusion and casualties in-between.

This week has been interesting in a way that is only interesting to me. I have been feeling the winter blues, which causes me to be distant and disconnect because I’ve been feeling so down I don’t want to expose others. Although, I have started to feel more decompressed and at ease in a way that has me feeling like I am less distracted and will be able to focus on some of my most important personal projects and tasks that have been suffering from avoidance, neglect and overwhelm.

I’m sensing an increased level of utilitarian discernment that will support me in achieving my goals and purpose in full expression. This is exciting! It is clear that sleep is an important resource and practice for me to use. I may have to let go of the daily post in order to focus on improving my physical condition in order to support my mental, emotional and spiritual wellness.

I have to admit that I am a little more than one-third of my way through my third #120daysadhana with the prosperity meditation. I am hoping I am at the point where it’s integrated so fully that i will continue to do this daily meditation without needing to track it.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a day we focus on gratitude and often overindulge to honor our prosperity and gratitude. I love that day 120 landed right before this holiday, seems fitting and like a nice way to let everything continue to integrate and enjoy a little break with some of the best people in my life.

Thank you for following to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #120daysadhana unfold.


Laura Peppin