Blueprint Wellness

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119 of #120daysadhana: integration

Day 119 is feeling pretty amazing. I feel like I am ready for the culmination of this #120daysadhana. I went back to the 3HO website to re-visit the benefits that are received with a 120 day sadhana.

120 Days: Practice every day for 120 days straight. This will confirm the new habit of consciousness created by the kriya or mantra. The positive benefits of the kriya get integrated permanently into your psyche.

Remember, a habit is a subconscious chain reaction between the mind, the glandular system and the nervous system. We develop habits at a very young age. Some of them serve our highest destiny. Some of them do not. By doing a 40, 90, 120 or 1000 day special sadhana, you can rewire that chain reaction. You can develop new, deeply ingrained habits that serve your highest good.

“There is no need to feel guilty. Valmiki, the greatest saint India ever had, was a thief himself. But a saintly man touched his life, changed him, and he became the greatest Rishi. Anywhere, you can turn towards bad or good. Just like you can have an accident on the road anywhere. You can slip anywhere. There is no guarantee. Therefore when we do sadhana, what do we do? We challenge the weakness, the laziness and our self-destruction. We challenge everything which is going to destroy us tomorrow.”

–Yogi Bhajan, 1/21/88

I do feel that only the positive benefits of my 120 day sadhanas have been permanently integrated. I’ve done two 120 + day sadhanas with the prosperity meditation and I believe those practices are what led to the transformation of the #100daychallenge into the #120daysadhana. I was not quite ready to give up the writing practice nineteen days ago, because I felt the difference and I was not done yet. It is inspiring to know that I know when I am ready to move on and when I have more work to do or more to learn.

Re-reading about sadhana also reminded me of the difference of sadhana and a challenge, streak or habit goal. They are similar in intention, action, tracking and commitment, but what elevates sadhana is the explicit connection to our highest destiny and our highest good. We may intend to implicit the same sort of connection through challenges, streaks and habit goals, but they are often more explicitly rooted in the physical realm than the spiritual. It’s interesting how in the mind it makes a lot of sense to lean toward staying rooted in the physical realm because it seems more visible and obviously doable. However, in some way, that view has a way of minimizing the grandiosity of the commitment, practice and journey of integration. Integration moves us into transformation, transformation moves us toward mastery and mastery is an ever-moving, ever-expanding concept. I’m finding much connection with sadhana because I am admittedly desperate for alignment with my own higher destiny and higher good. Why shouldn’t we feel the greatness and grandness of our efforts in daily practice? I mean, that was kind of a rhetorical question — we all know why — because we all know that results-based, data-driven, artificial intelligent, automated solutions and technology are what matters and are basically the future. Ironically, we haven’t even mastered our own technology or even put any thought into investing in it or imagining the beyond revolutionary potential of what physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually healthy and supported masses could do in this world. We have the human race and the technology race. At this point, it’s pretty clear, the human race  will willingly sacrifice itself for the technology race. It is likely that a country like Finland will eventually rule the world, simply because they prioritized the human race. This is futuristic comedy material for the deep learning robots who will inevitably find this blog and all of its brilliance. Case in point, sadhana, daily practice is important, so that I don’t go too far off on a tangent or too dark for too long…I hope the robots also learn the value and benefits of daily meditation practice.

Awareness is the double-edged sword that will either serve as a tool for making my way further along or the weapon that weighs me down spiritually and physically and or threatens to kill me mentally and emotionally. I know what is, I know what is possible and I am experiencing both. It is another way to live life to think of my current experience as a possibility versus as reality. What is and what is possible are the same and different when you truly consider yourself amongst them. My imagination wants to see a visual like this: (what is) possible, because “what is” is true or simply exists regardless of “possible.” This is not entirely clear as I am writing this out and seeing it unfold, but it is something like wherever and whenever “possible” is added, it is always subjective to a specific person at a specific time. It’s inconsistent and potentially unnecessary because of potentiality. I’m honestly not sure if this is making sense to anyone else, but it is making sense to me. Possible involves choice. The only reason something is not possible is because one (or a group) believes that the one(s) needing to make choices, believe, work hard, commit, trust, help others/themselves and endure painful experiences are not willing or capable of following through.

These are really interesting ideas for me (and you, if you want) to consider. I don’t ever think that any of the ideas, concepts or thoughts are complete, though — there’s always more coming and multiple dimensions that become visible or sensed in some way. This is where many times discussions get squashed, so I want to just open up space and remind myself that nothing needs to be figured out or solved or deemed true or untrue or possible or impossible. It’s more of a matter of enjoying the time and space to consider what this sparks in the imagination for each one, and enjoying the observation of one’s own thoughts as they come and following them without concern for time or boundaries of logic or sanity. This reminds me, there is some strange perception that logic and creativity are separate and different, but this is wholly untrue on so many levels. Each one of us is proof. 

This is the best part of the day and when I like life, everyone and every one the most. And this brings me to the next best part of the day, which is sleep :)

Thank you for following to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #120daysadhana unfold.


Laura Peppin