Blueprint Wellness

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92 of #100daychallenge: Top Ten Takeaways #8

Today, I am feeling really tired and I want to go to sleep soon. My goal is to go to sleep before 11:30pm.

My body wants a better life.

This #100daychallenge really challenged my relationship with my body. I did not do a good job of respecting and supporting my body. I weigh the most I’ve ever weighed in my life and it feels terrible. This is not a pity party, it’s me knowing my body and my habits and being real about how I’m seeing and feeling the effects of how I’ve been mistreating my body for some time now.

I’ve not been getting enough sleep for several years and even when I do sleep, it is not restful. I am taking steps to try and change my routine and habits to help me get some quality sleep. Sleep is important. Lack of sleep ages us and makes the lack of self-care visibly and energetically less attractive.

When I put my body first, life feels significantly better.

The body makes me realize how much every thing no matter how small, matters. The worst part is that my body feels weak and overly tired and resistant. It’s extremely uncomfortable physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. It is the multi-dimensional key to everything good in life. It is the first thing that I am willing to compromise and neglect.

I am taking steps to take care of myself better and will be working on integrating good sleep hygiene and exercise. I cannot let me by down or it will have no choice but to breakdown and eventually let me down. I am transforming my relationship with my body so that I’m fueling it with everything it needs to support the whole of me. It’s very doable, but will require a strong daily practice and commitment.

Time for sleep.

Follow to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.


