Blueprint Wellness

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84 of #100daychallenge: oh, blah blah blah!

My daughter has always been funny and was born with a bright sense of humor. I remember when she was little, probably 4 years old or so, sometimes she would just cut me off and say with perfect timing and tone, “Oh, blah blah blah!” And, she was right, I was totally rambling or overthinking something that didn’t matter. It was like she was telling my monkey brain to shut up!

I started to write some things that had a serious tone and I heard, “Oh, blah blah blah!” It was just what I needed to hear at the right time. It’s true! For goodness sake, could I write about something a little more lighthearted and fun and funny? Could I be a little funnier and lighthearted in the present moment?

I don’t know…maybe later?!

I feel like I have to get some of this serious stuff out and then I’ll feel lighter and funnier. Funnier in some way, not necessarily that my writing will become funnier. That seems like an overpromise...

Earlier in the challenge, I mentioned that I watched Judd Apatow’s MasterClass. I felt very inspired by comedians and comedy in a way that made me feel like I should try writing a bit for myself and performing it in-situ or on video. I have not done any of that because comedy goes deep — there’s truth in best comedians and their comedy — it’s challenging process to write and deliver it. Oh, blah blah blah…that sounds like a lame excuse to not try something for no good reason


Oh, blah blah blah, is a positive interjection. It’s like reminder of how seriously silly you’re being, just stop worrying about whatever you’re worrying about — It is meant to relieve you from harassing yourself or telling yourself a long-winded story about why something didn’t work out or why something won’t happen. Oh, blah blah blah! We’re here now, so let’s figure out how to have fun and fix a problem.

I need to use this tool to have fun and be funny more often. See, this is what kids do for their adults. They tell us exactly what they mean and help us to see our silly and be fun and funnier in life.

The past couple of days, I’ve had the chance to catch up with some friends on the phone, and I am remembering how much fun it is to talk on the phone! Much more energizing and interesting than texting all the time.

I’m actually really tired and need to get to sleep…oh, blah blah blah. I think this is the worst blog post yet. I don’t even know if it’s making any sense…

Follow to see my #writing #alltheloveandnoexcuses #100daychallenge unfold.


